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Let’s Lay the Foundation for Your Start-up.

XPLORE Venture Creator is an equity-free part-time format of ten weeks that takes place online, combined with interactive sessions. You’ll get a structured curriculum, expert coaching, and access to a unique network of start-ups and industry specialists within the UnternehmerTUM network.

Our guided matchmaking process helps teams or individuals accelerate their personal and their start-up’s growth. We focus on achieving a validated Problem-Solution-Fit, defining a beachhead market, gaining a deeper understanding of customers, and creating a clear roadmap to funding and incubation.

Complete your team

Spar with domain-specific experts

Enter the network and community

Understand your first market

Your Benefits


Access to our office space, lab space, MakerSpace workshop, prototyping grants, and further funding opportunities to accelerate your growth.

Experienced Coaches and Mentors Network

Benefit from our professional coaches' guidance and support throughout the venture creation process and from our mentors' network.

Support from XPLORE Venture Creator includes

Agile Business Model Strategy
Develop a dynamic strategy that adapts to market needs, keeping you ahead of the competition.

Customer-centric Approach
Understand your customers' needs to create a compelling value proposition that stands out.

MVP Development
Build a minimum viable product (MVP) in hardware and software to validate your offering.

Market Opportunities
Identify your target market and find the perfect niche to launch your venture.

Entrepreneurial Team Development
Cultivate a team with the right mindset and leadership skills to achieve your goals.

Pitch Deck Optimization
Craft an outstanding pitch deck and optimize your pitching skills to attract investors and customers.

Our Tracks

Embark on an exciting journey by joining our vibrant community either as a dynamic start-up team or future entrepreneur. We welcome collaborative and independent spirits and provide a supportive environment where you can unleash your potential and thrive.

Track 1: Start-ups

  • You’re working on a tech-based business idea in the early-stage phase.

  • You want support from experts and peers in developing your venture.

  • You like working with international entrepreneurs.

  • You operate within a defined problem space.

  • You have a product/service concept, although a prototype is not required.

How to apply

  • Please provide a description of your product/service and what severe customer problem it solves,

  • explain your underlying technology,

  • attach your competitor analysis,

  • describe your team line-up,

  • create a 90-second video introduction,

  • and send us your current pitch deck.

Learn how to apply

Track 2: Future Entrepreneur

  • You’re motivated and love challenging problems.

  • You’re interested in teaming up with a start-up for the duration of the Venture Creator program.

  • You like working with international entrepreneurs.

  • You’re good at communicating as well as in setting goals and achieving them.

  • It helps if you have been part of other UnternehmerTUM programs.

How to apply

Please state and submit:

  • Your personal motivation and commitment,

  • your contribution to make a potential start-up successful,

  • your interest,

  • your focus,

  • and create a 60-second video pitch of you.

Learn how to apply
Person in black and gray long sleeve shirt holding brown 4621569 Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Our Matchmaking Process

This is how we create value for future entrepreneurs as well as for start-ups. How does it work?

  • Our guided matchmaking helps early-stage start-ups and future entrepreneurs find their perfect match.

  • Both get to know each other and explore potential collaborations.

  • Our experienced coaches will guide you through the process and help you team up for the program runtime.

  • By adding missing skill sets, start-up teams become more dynamic and better equipped to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

  • After the final pitch event, you can collaborate further if it’s mutually beneficial.

Want to join the next Venture Creator batch? Key Dates for XPLORE Venture Creator Batch #2/2024

  • Application Period

    June 13 - July 15, 2024

  • Evaluation Period

    July 17 - August 01, 2024

  • Entry Gate

    August 08 - August 25, 2024

  • Batch #2 2024 is announced!

    August 26, 2024

  • Kick-off!

    September 17, 2024

  • Bootcamp Phase

    October 22 - November 08, 2024

  • Final Pitch Event

    December 04, 2024

Your Next Steps

After XPLORE Venture Creator, take these steps to advance your start-up.

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XPLORE Market Pioneer

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Learn more


Any questions about XPLORE Venture Creator?

Reach out to us at xplore.venturecreator@unternehmertum.de

Lisa Schebitz 2023 04 26 084942 wgfh

Lisa Schebitz